SUBMISSION in accordance with Rule 9.2 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers on Ciorap v. Moldova group of cases (conditions of detention) 8 November 2016
SUBMISSION Made in accordance with Rule 9.2 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers Supervision of execution of the Iordachi and others v. Moldova judgment 29 February 2016
Opinia cu privire la proiectul de Hotărâre a Guvernului cu privire la organizarea şi funcţionarea Agenţiei Naţionale de Administrare a Instanţelor Judecătoreşti 26 September 2014
Policy paper ”Reforming the Investigating Judge Institution: Challenges, Risks and Solutions 11 December 2013
Briefing for the EU-Moldova Human Rights Dialogue, Impunity against torture and the activity of the Consultative Council for the Prevention of Torture 20 April 2012
Briefing for the EU – Moldova Human Rights Dialogue, Moldova: Impunity for hate speech and hesitation of political actors create a fertile ground for discriminatory attitudes rooting inequality and prejudice 18 April 2012
Briefing for the second round of the EU-Moldova Human Rights Dialogue, Ill-treatment in Moldova 27 March 2011
Briefing for the EU – Moldova Human Rights Dialogue, Moldova: Discriminatory attitudes, impact on society and negative consequences from the Human Rights Perspective 24 March 2011