The restriction on running for office for individuals who have jeopardized or continue to jeopardize the state’s independence does not constitute a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights

When the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as the ECtHR) examines issues concerning compliance with Article 3 of Protocol No. 1 (the right to free elections) to the European Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as the ECHR), it focuses on two criteria: whether there was an arbitrary element or a lack of proportionality, and whether the restriction interfered with the free expression of the people’s will.

In the case of Ždanoka v. Latvia (No. 2) (judgment delivered on 25 July 2024), the ECtHR unanimously decided that the right to free elections had not been violated. The case concerned the exclusion of politician Tatjana Ždanoka from the list of candidates in the 2018 parliamentary elections.

Considering the applicant’s public profile, the Latvian authorities’ assessment noted that Ždanoka actively supported Russia's annexation of Crimea, including her participation as an observer in the "elections" held in the annexed Crimea. She also contributed to Russian propaganda at events organized by her party and in Russian television broadcasts, where she expressed views favorable to Russia’s expansionist policies, spread misinformation about the war in Ukraine, and promoted narratives that divide society and destabilize the existing order. This has led to artificial polarization among ethnic groups, creating tensions within Latvian society.

The case of Ždanoka v. Latvia (No. 2) provides a fascinating example of the complex interplay between the protection of national security and the safeguarding of human rights, particularly the right to participate in elections. The applicant’s public profile and activities were decisive in the authorities’ assessment of the perceived threat to national security, underscoring the significant role that the geopolitical context plays in such decisions.

Nevertheless, restrictions on the right to stand for election must not be wielded arbitrarily or as a means to suppress political opposition. These measures should be based on clear and compelling evidence, addressing a genuine and immediate threat to security and democratic order. The ECtHR emphasizes that national authorities must demonstrate the existence of a concrete danger, thereby ensuring that such restrictions are not applied abusively or disproportionately. Furthermore, the ECtHR considers electoral legislation within the broader context of a country’s political developments, acknowledging that measures deemed unacceptable in one system may be justified in another.

Moreover, it is essential that these restrictive measures be subject to regular review to ensure they remain pertinent and proportionate as geopolitical contexts and democratic landscapes evolve. This approach is vital to safeguarding democracy from being compromised by its own protective mechanisms.


In the context of today’s geopolitical climate, particularly the ongoing war in Ukraine and its implications for national security across Europe, it is anticipated that the ECtHR will continue to render decisions on these issues. Such rulings will likely shape a new body of legal practice that is responsive to contemporary challenges.


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