General objective: To promote and raise awareness of CSOs and taxpayers on the 2% mechanism in Moldova.
Beneficiaries: Civil society organisations.
– Carrying out an information campaign for taxpayers on the 2% mechanism;
– Ongoing support to Moldovan CSOs to use the 2% mechanism.
– Create and promote a video spot for taxpayers;
– Inform employers about the opportunities of the 2% mechanism;
– Create and maintain 2% social network accounts;
– Create and publish video tutorials on the 2% mechanism;
– Develop information materials (posters, flyers, infographics etc) on the promotion campaign;
– Develop a guideline for CSOs for 2% promotional campaigns;
– Create and maintain 2% webpage;
– Keep a hotline to answer the questions from both civil society organizations and taxpayers;
– Develop an assessment report on the first year of implementation of 2% mechanism.
– Доклад// Год спустя после внедрения механизма 2%
– Report//One year of implementation of the 2% Mechanism in Moldova
– (Ro)Infografic//10 pași de urmat pentru a derula o campanie de comunicare 2%
– (Ru)Инфографик//10 шагов для проведения успешной коммуникационной кампании 2%
– (Ro)Cum să desfășori eficient o campanie 2% pentru organizația ta. Ghid practic
– (Ru)Как эффективно провести кампанию 2% для вашей организации.Практическое руководство
– (Ru)Постер//Как правильно заполнить форму CET15 чтобы перенаправить 2%?
– (VIDEO) Direcționează 2% și contribuie la ceea ce contează pentru tine!
– (VIDEO) Încearcă și tu! Informează-te și redirecționează 2%