Round table on the consultation on the draft law amending the Criminal Procedure Code

The Ministry of Justice and the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova, with the support of the Soros Foundation Moldova, are organising a round table to which representatives of the judiciary, prosecutors, lawyers, and representatives of civil society are invited to discuss the proposals to amend the Criminal Procedure Code, aimed at ensuring better respect for human rights in the prosecution process.

The event will present the proposals developed by a group of experts composed of current judges, prosecutors and lawyers, and representatives of the Ministry of Justice, which will be constructively debated by the community of justice professionals and the non-governmental sector.

The event will be broadcast live and can be followed on social media as well as here on the website of the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova.

Registration and connection of online participants
Welcome remarks

Sergiu LITVINENCO, Minister of Justice

Veronica MIHAILOV-MORARU, State Secretary, Ministry of Justice

Petru CULEAC, Executive Director, Soros Foundation Moldova

Ilie CHIRTOACĂ, Executive Director, Legal Resources Centre from Moldova

Presentation of the draft law on the amendment of the Criminal Procedure Code and the Contravention Code

Veronica MIHAILOV-MORARU, State Secretary, Ministry of Justice (10 min.)

Talking points:

  • Objectives pursued
  • Sources used
  • Structure of changes
1st Panel: General Part of the Criminal Procedure Code

Representative of the Ministry of Justice (15 min.)

Octavian Iachimovschi, Prosecutor, Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office (10 min.)

Talking points:

  • Courts and their jurisdiction
  • Parties, participants in the proceedings
  • Evidence and means of evidence
  • Procedural coercive measures
  • Time limits and nullity of procedural acts

Discussion, comments and suggestions session

11:10 - 11:20
2nd Panel: Special part: Prosecution stage

Representative of the Ministry of Justice (15 min.)

Tudor Osoianu, Attorney (10 min.)


Talking points:

  • Criminal prosecution
  • Jurisdiction of prosecution authorities. Delimitation of the competences of the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office and the National Anticorruption Centre
  • Challenge and control by the prosecutor
  • Judicial review of prejudicial proceedings


Discussion, comments and suggestions session

3rd Panel: Special part: Judicial stage

Representative of the Ministry of Justice (15 min.)

Livia Mitrofan, Judge, Chișinău Court (10 min.)


Talking points:

  • Trial
  • Appeal
  • Enforcement of judgments (Mechanism for compensation for detention conditions)
  • Special procedures

Discussion, comments and suggestions session

Summing up of discussions

Closing remarks

This event was organized within the framework of the project "Safeguarding human rights through a more transparent and accountable criminal justice system", supported by the Soros Foundation Moldova and implemented by the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Soros Foundation Moldova.


Jul 01 2024


All Day


Ministerul Justiției
or. Chișinău, str. 31 august 1989 82


Centrul de Resurse Juridice din Moldova
+373 22 843 601
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