Ghenadie BARBĂ

International lawyer

Ghenadie Barba, is an international lawyer with more than 23 years of professional experience in the field of rule of law, human rights, and democratic governance reforms. Mr Barba has been leading the Rule of Law Unit of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) since 2016 and provided assistance to many of the 57 participating States of the OSCE in Central Asia, and in Eastern, Central, and South Eastern Europe on such matters as independence and accountability of judges and prosecutors, observance of the right to a fair trial, trial monitoring, monitoring of judicial appointments and of vetting processes, equal representation in the judiciary, adjudication of war crimes cases by the judiciary, and reforms of the criminal and administrative justice. 


He started his career in the Prosecutors Office of the Republic of Moldova and between 2011 – 2016 served as Deputy Head and Head of Office ad interim in the Council of Europe Office in the Republic of Moldova. In addition, Mr Barba has worked with various international organisations such as UNICEF, OSCE, and European Union Delegation. Mr Barba has extensive experience in the management of projects and programme, of budgets, and human resources.


Mr Barba holds two master degree in criminal law and international crime and justice, the latter being a double degree issued by the University of Torino (Italy) and United National Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute.