General objective: Improve the efficiency and transparency of the Moldovan judiciary.
– Advocate for optimization of the judicial map.
– Advocate for establishment of uniform judicial practice at SCJ.
– Contribute to improvement of the manner of drafting of the minutes of the court hearings in Moldova.
– Assess the impact of the justice sector reform among judges.
– Raise donor community awareness of Moldovan justice reform.
– Strengthen the institutional capacity of LRCM.
– Develop the advocacy campaign strategy on optimization of the judicial map.
– Meeting with relevant stakeholders and donors on amendments aimed at optimization of the judicial map.
– Participate in working groups or provide written comments on the draft laws.
– Develop two papers on the uniformity of the practice of the SCJ.
– Elaborate a policy document on the minutes of the court hearings.
– Survey among judges on judicial independence and accountability in Moldova.
– Organize a press-club to discuss the selection and carrier of judges.
– Issue and disseminate two LRCM newsletters.
– One evaluation and planning event for LRCM team.
– Advocacy, visibility and networking activities.
– Minutes and audio recording of court hearings – precision or duplication of tasks? (20 October 2015)
– Retroactive increase of customs duties – is the judicial practice in this area uniform? (12 November 2015)
– Sanctioning in corruption cases – how uniform is the judicial practice? (only in Romanian) (23 December 2015)
– Sondaj. Percepţia judecătorilor, procurorilor și avocaţilor privind reforma în justiţie și combaterea corupţiei (only in Romanian) (25 January 2016)