Apărătorii Drepturilor Omului

Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) are individuals who act peacefully to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms. Their work is protected by the UN Declaration on
Human Rights Defenders, adopted in 1998.

Provide legal, psychological, medical or other support to victims of human rights violations

Document cases concerning violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms

Fight accountability dodges that hide systematic human rights violations

Consolidate and promote the concept of universal human rights and of HRDs

HRDs’ experiences in Moldova

Top 5 risks faced by HRDs
and/or their families

Discrimination, ridicule, and stigmatization

Defamation, threats
(of death)

Arbitrary arrests and convictions

Violence and damage to property

Unfair professional penalties

Why is it important to monitor the court cases involving Human Rights Defenders?