eng Opinie cu privire la proiectul de lege privind Autoritatea Națională de Integritate și a Legii privind declararea averii și a intereselor personale
COMMUNICATION in accordance with Rule 9.2 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers for the supervision of the execution of judgments and of the terms of friendly settlements – CIORAP v. MOLDOVA group of cases (conditions of detention)
COMMUNICATION in accordance with Rule 9.2 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers for the supervision of the execution of judgments and of the terms of friendly settlements SARBAN v. MOLDOVA group of cases
SUBMISSION in accordance with Rule 9.2 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers on Corsacov v. Moldova group of cases (ineffective investigations of ill-treatment)
SUBMISSION Made in accordance with Rule 9.2 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers Supervision of execution of the Iordachi and others v. Moldova judgment
Opinia cu privire la proiectul de Hotărâre a Guvernului cu privire la organizarea şi funcţionarea Agenţiei Naţionale de Administrare a Instanţelor Judecătoreşti
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